The Hunger Games (2012) is set in a future where the totalitarian Capitol randomly selects one boy and one girl from each of the twelve districts to participate in the 74th Hunger Games, a televised battle whereby only one out of the twenty-four participants will survive each year. The controlled game environment is alike a 3D virtual world set in real life. The operators of the game setting can add in trees, fire and even wild animals to the game environment. RFID chips are placed within the participants' body for tracking them throughout the game. During the game, the contestants who are well-liked by sponsors might receive gifts from them in situations where they need items such as food or medicine.
The Hunger Games, a violent and cruel game, is in its 74th year of existence. It is a long-running program! What is the reason for that?
There is demand from the audience!
Isn't the televised game similar to the media system that we have around us? The Hunger Games is only an exaggerated version of how we contribute to the growth of commercial media. While it is good to see advancement in media technology and programming, it might also mean that we could be supporting programs that are harmful to the development of our mind, health, humanity or society without realizing the consequences.
Isn't the Hunger Games similar to our reality TV shows where people are encouraged to plot against each other? The "weakest ones" or the ones with no social skills will be voted off in these reality TV shows. The viewers find these programs fun and exciting. For instance, they follow the programs closely and are eager to find out who will be voted off. What are the values that these shows are instilling in the minds of the viewers? Have you ever wondered?
The violence and cruelty portrayed in the game that is closely watched by the viewers are alike the violence portrayed in different forms of media (movies, television programs, gaming, etc) in our today’s society. Are we already desensitized by these programs to the extent that we don't find them harmful, and thus need movies such as The Hunger Games to remind us of the brittle situation that we are in? The Hunger Games, by exaggerating the types of violence that viewers embrace, plays the role of a mirror that reflects the media environment that we are in. At the same time, ironically, The Hunger Games itself is a media product with themes of violence and self-interest that gained popularity.
The sponsors in The Hunger Games are just like the advertisers and those who are holding political interests in setting their agendas for the consumers in our media system. They manipulate the game and create storyline that they want the viewers to see. Though the Hunger Games is a reality program, it is not totally "real" and the game events do not develop in a natural course as the whole game is staged, manipulated and fabricated by those in power to serve the rulers, the rich and the elites. The film also places focus on fashion and status of the elites who indulge themselves in food and wine while watching the televised game in posh party rooms. Superficial culture that worships trivial instant pleasures is promoted, just like what today's commercial media propagate in order to serve corporate and political interests.
The hunger games continue...